Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Garlic is Planted...

Planted 187 Cloves of Garlic ! Will bolt in the spring just in time to harvest and plant the vegetables...right now going on a bike ride...

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Latest Garden and Home Improvements...

sophie and wiley...cute!
chopper says produce is paw lickin' good!
My basil bushes
todays booty!
The new French Door...Thanks to my Uncle Charlie for helping us!

Here is latest post...Week 20 and we have harvest 200 - 300 pounds of produce already...boy am I regular! Here are the pups...chopper loves the garden...also here is the mammoth French Door we put in over the weekend replacing a 35 year old! That bitch is heavy and well built by Andersen!

What are you eating for Lunch???

MMM...The Veggie booty is paying off...I'll just let you drool over my Heirloom Tomato and (3 types of...)Basil & Parmesan Salad... no words... drool...come over and join me...mmm...sorry, but you are invited...just bring some good beer!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Week 13 - On the verge of Tomato Explosion!

The Farmers ... Aaron & Jen & Chopper, Sophie and Wiley...
Mmm...heirlooms...size of softballs!
Tons of Basil to go with the tomatoes...
German Queen...
Jen got her corn...11 ears are growing so far!
The other morning's booty!
The squash and cucumber plants are double this now!
look at that beauty...where is the mozzarella?
Sweet Italian peppers...
The other day...we got beets!
Well...It's been a while since I put on a update...trips on the weekends and brewing a lot of new beers... Especially The " BeeJeesus BPA"! 

Finishing at about 7.1% ABV and a glowish orange hue, My 99.9% "no hops" brew is "hopped with botanical's from our garden.
 ...What ?!? 

I put several pounds of Bee Balm (two types...) Some lavender and Jasmine White Tea leaves... It has all the citrus and floral aroma of many popular styles of hops used in traditional IPA's...mmm... bet it will go great with the softball size heirlooms tomatoes we are growing! 

I have harvested 30 or so cucumbers so far, pounds of basil, 7 or 8 summer squash, pounds of lettuce, arugula, some beets, a couple peppers...

The tomatoes are bursting at the seams!!! So are the peppers... I will also harvest some of the sage, thyme, curry and coriander next week... dry those bitches out and into the spice jars! ... I ordered some garlic bulbs for the fall too... mmm roasted garlic!

Check out the latest pictures!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Now for our Booty...Week 5

Heere is Today's Veggie Booty... 2 full gallon bags of lettuce greens, 2 Full gallon bags of Swiss Chard about a dozen squash flowers (without the bees!) and 2- 6" cukes... plus a huge handfull of bolted cilantro-into-coriander seeds, and about a pound and half of basil leaves which I promptly cleaned and blended with EVOO and froze for a later date... let's eat!

Garden of Eatin' - Week 5

Here Is the Garden in week 5 also the stone came in for the patio...10 yards to be exact!! ooh my aching back...

Garden of Eatin' is Growing... Yumm!

Well hell, it's so hot out and my new Mac adds to that heat, that I decided to stay outside and attend to my new summer project...the Garden of Eatin'!!! I could not think of a cool name until it hit me...

Why am I doing this? Because Whole Foods has gotten so goddam expensive that I thought I would do my part by saving the gas, the carbon footprint and my sanity and grow our own food. So this summer, instead of designing cool art, I will make you hungry (while I eat...!) and post how Jen and I are doing our part to live a semi-self-sustainable lifestyle by growing and composting what this great Earth is capable of providing for us if we put our minds to it and our hands in it (the soil that is...) and appreciate what we will get out of it...