Friday, May 29, 2009

Where the hell Have I been???

Well it's been over 6 weeks since I started seeds from scratch in my dining room. We cleared out all the human necessities for making a greenhouse out of the "temporarily", Jen has informed me...

I did so much shuffling and condensing of the seed pods that I can only recognize them by shape...and when it finally warms up...we'll see what grows! Lately, it's been kinda like Seattle here... dreary, cold and rainy... I have dragged all the plants out, then back in, then back out, then back in... you get my drift, it's New England and like the legend will have it..."If you don't like the weather...wait a minute".

If the ground does not warm up soon I will have cukes in the living room soon!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Garlic has emerged!

Here is the latest pics of the Garlic we have growing... everything looks promising so far, it's been growing about an inch a week. Here are some pics... we have most of the seeds planted and will plant a second round in case these don't pan out... We have been taken advantage of the nice weather and working on the yard and fence for the dogs...

Here is the garlic...

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Seeds are getting done today!

Time to plant the seeds...

Friday, March 13, 2009

Return of the Garden of Good Eatin' 2009 wife Jen, standing guard of this year's precious heirlooms... go ahead and try to take some...!

Hello All you Hibernators!

The Garden of Good Eatin' is Back!

The seeds are in... the seeds are in!!! (sounds like the British are coming!...)

We got our seeds and we're getting itchy to plant them. I will start propagating them this weekend... so bring on another snow storm while these babies get growing inside! We got 47 varieties of herbs and vegetables and most of the seeds are organic and of the heirloom variety. If you want some, go to the Seed Savers Exchange and don't forget to become a member! It's important not only to grow good vegetables, but to grow original varieties that were long here before all the hybrid crap you buy at the supermarket.

Here is my first delivery of seeds... the list...

Jen, my wife, doesn't know what she's getting into with the garden this year, but once she sees all the hard work pay off and how healthy we stay, she'll have no regrets!

Now every yard needs a Fire Pit to enjoy all these grilled vegetables on... so why not get a recycled one that is created by the artist John T. Unger! This stuff is cool!

It costs a little more, but hey it's art! Right?

Click here to view more details

Click here to view more details

I know I want one for my yard and you should get one too! Here is a Bio about the Artist ~ John T. Unger.

Then come to my yard this summer to see ours next to our Garden!

Monday, January 26, 2009