Saturday, July 19, 2008

Now for our Booty...Week 5

Heere is Today's Veggie Booty... 2 full gallon bags of lettuce greens, 2 Full gallon bags of Swiss Chard about a dozen squash flowers (without the bees!) and 2- 6" cukes... plus a huge handfull of bolted cilantro-into-coriander seeds, and about a pound and half of basil leaves which I promptly cleaned and blended with EVOO and froze for a later date... let's eat!

Garden of Eatin' - Week 5

Here Is the Garden in week 5 also the stone came in for the patio...10 yards to be exact!! ooh my aching back...

Garden of Eatin' is Growing... Yumm!

Well hell, it's so hot out and my new Mac adds to that heat, that I decided to stay outside and attend to my new summer project...the Garden of Eatin'!!! I could not think of a cool name until it hit me...

Why am I doing this? Because Whole Foods has gotten so goddam expensive that I thought I would do my part by saving the gas, the carbon footprint and my sanity and grow our own food. So this summer, instead of designing cool art, I will make you hungry (while I eat...!) and post how Jen and I are doing our part to live a semi-self-sustainable lifestyle by growing and composting what this great Earth is capable of providing for us if we put our minds to it and our hands in it (the soil that is...) and appreciate what we will get out of it...